[software/adminpanel] branch master updated (95b4d33 -> 75157ab)
2014-05-02 19:11:34 UTC
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

anaselli pushed a change to branch master
in repository software/adminpanel.

from 95b4d33 updated MANIFEST
new 75157ab Added time tu since/until parameter improved layout

The 1 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
lib/AdminPanel/Module/LogViewer.pm | 80 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------
lib/AdminPanel/Shared/JournalCtl.pm | 4 +-
2 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)
Mageia Git Monkeys.
2014-05-02 19:11:35 UTC
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

anaselli pushed a commit to branch master
in repository software/adminpanel.

commit 75157abe0a8adb407d79d1c7945c58850ae065ef
Author: Angelo Naselli <anaselli-***@public.gmane.org>
Date: Fri May 2 21:10:59 2014 +0200

Added time tu since/until parameter
improved layout
Commit Link:

lib/AdminPanel/Module/LogViewer.pm | 80 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------
lib/AdminPanel/Shared/JournalCtl.pm | 4 +-
2 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/AdminPanel/Module/LogViewer.pm b/lib/AdminPanel/Module/LogViewer.pm
index 3fe6434..8d25d8b 100644
--- a/lib/AdminPanel/Module/LogViewer.pm
+++ b/lib/AdminPanel/Module/LogViewer.pm
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4:
+# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4:
package AdminPanel::Module::LogViewer;
#============================================================= -*-perl-*-

@@ -180,48 +180,61 @@ sub _logViewerPanel {
my $dialog = $factory->createMainDialog;

# Start Dialog layout:
- my $vbox = $factory->createVBox( $dialog );
- my $align = $factory->createAlignment($vbox, $yui::YAlignCenter, $yui::YAlignUnchanged);
+ my $layout = $factory->createVBox( $dialog );
+ my $align = $factory->createAlignment($layout, $yui::YAlignCenter, $yui::YAlignUnchanged);
$factory->createLabel( $align, $self->loc->N("A tool to monitor your logs"), 1, 0 );

#### matching
- my $hbox = $factory->createHBox($vbox);
+ my $hbox = $factory->createHBox($layout);
my $matchingInputField = $factory->createInputField($hbox, $self->loc->N("Matching"));
$factory->createHSpacing($hbox, 1);

#### not matching
my $notMatchingInputField = $factory->createInputField($hbox, $self->loc->N("but not matching"));
- $matchingInputField->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ, 1);
- $notMatchingInputField->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ, 1);
+ $matchingInputField->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ, 2);
+ $notMatchingInputField->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ, 2);

- my $frame = $factory->createFrame($vbox, $self->loc->N("Options"));
- $hbox = $factory->createHBox($frame);
+ my $frame = $factory->createFrame($layout, $self->loc->N("Options"));

#### lastBoot
- my $col1 = $factory->createVBox( $hbox );
- my $col2 = $factory->createVBox( $hbox );
- $align = $factory->createLeft($col1);
+ my $vbox = $factory->createVBox( $frame );
+ $align = $factory->createLeft($vbox);
my $lastBoot = $factory->createCheckBox($align, $self->loc->N("Last boot"), 1);
+ $factory->createVSpacing($vbox, 0.5);
+ my $row1 = $factory->createHBox($vbox);
+ $factory->createVSpacing($vbox, 0.5);
+ my $row2 = $factory->createHBox($vbox);
+ $factory->createVSpacing($vbox, 0.5);
+ my $row3 = $factory->createHBox($vbox);
#### since and until
my $sinceDate;
- my $sinceFrame = $factory->createCheckBoxFrame($col1, $self->loc->N("Since"), 1);
+ my $sinceTime;
+ my $sinceFrame = $factory->createCheckBoxFrame($row1, $self->loc->N("Since"), 1);

my $untilDate;
- my $untilFrame = $factory->createCheckBoxFrame($col1, $self->loc->N("Until"), 1);
+ my $untilTime;
+ my $untilFrame = $factory->createCheckBoxFrame($row2, $self->loc->N("Until"), 1);
if ($optFactory->hasDateField()) {
- $align = $factory->createLeft($sinceFrame);
- $sinceDate = $optFactory->createDateField($align, "");
+ my $hbox1 = $factory->createHBox($sinceFrame);
+ $sinceDate = $optFactory->createDateField($hbox1, "");
+ $factory->createHSpacing($hbox1, 1.0);
+ $sinceTime = $optFactory->createTimeField($hbox1, "");
my $day = strftime "%F", localtime;
- $align = $factory->createLeft($untilFrame);
- $untilDate = $optFactory->createDateField($align, "");
+ $sinceTime->setValue("00:00:00");
+ $hbox1 = $factory->createHBox($untilFrame);
+ $untilDate = $optFactory->createDateField($hbox1, "");
+ $factory->createHSpacing($hbox1, 1.0);
+ $untilTime = $optFactory->createTimeField($hbox1, "");
+ $untilTime->setValue("23:59:59");
else {
@@ -229,8 +242,9 @@ sub _logViewerPanel {

#### units
- $factory->createVSpacing( $col2, 0.5 );
- my $unitsFrame = $factory->createCheckBoxFrame($col2, $self->loc->N("Select a unit"), 1);
+ my $spacing = $factory->createHSpacing($row1, 2.0);
+ my $unitsFrame = $factory->createCheckBoxFrame($row1, $self->loc->N("Select a unit"), 1);
$align = $factory->createLeft($unitsFrame);
my $units = $factory->createComboBox ( $align, "" );
@@ -249,12 +263,11 @@ sub _logViewerPanel {

#### priority
- $align = $factory->createLeft($col2);
- $hbox = $factory->createHBox($align);
# From
- my $priorityFromFrame = $factory->createCheckBoxFrame($hbox, $self->loc->N("From priority"), 1);
+ $factory->createHSpacing($row2, 2.0);
+ my $priorityFromFrame = $factory->createCheckBoxFrame($row2, $self->loc->N("From priority"), 1);
+ $priorityFromFrame->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ, 1);
my $priorityFrom = $factory->createComboBox ( $priorityFromFrame, "" );

@@ -270,10 +283,11 @@ sub _logViewerPanel {

- $factory->createHSpacing( $hbox, 2.0 );
+ $factory->createHSpacing( $row2, 2.0 );
# To
- my $priorityToFrame = $factory->createCheckBoxFrame($hbox, $self->loc->N("To priority"), 1);
+ my $priorityToFrame = $factory->createCheckBoxFrame($row2, $self->loc->N("To priority"), 1);
+ $priorityToFrame->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ, 1);
my $priorityTo = $factory->createComboBox ( $priorityToFrame, "" );

@@ -288,11 +302,11 @@ sub _logViewerPanel {

#### search
- $align = $factory->createRight($hbox);
+ $align = $factory->createRight($row3);
my $searchButton = $factory->createPushButton($align, $self->loc->N("search"));

#### create log view object
- my $logView = $factory->createLogView($vbox, $self->loc->N("Log content"), 10, 0);
+ my $logView = $factory->createLogView($layout, $self->loc->N("Log content"), 10, 0);

### NOTE CheckBoxFrame doesn't honoured his costructor checked value for his children
@@ -303,7 +317,7 @@ sub _logViewerPanel {

# buttons on the last line
- $align = $factory->createRight($vbox);
+ $align = $factory->createRight($layout);
$hbox = $factory->createHBox($align);
my $aboutButton = $factory->createPushButton($hbox, $self->loc->N("About") );
$align = $factory->createRight($hbox);
@@ -363,10 +377,10 @@ sub _logViewerPanel {
$log_opts{unit} = $units->value();
if ($sinceFrame->value()) {
- $log_opts{since} = $sinceDate->value();
+ $log_opts{since} = $sinceDate->value() . " " . $sinceTime->value();
if ($untilFrame->value()) {
- $log_opts{until} = $untilDate->value();
+ $log_opts{until} = $untilDate->value() . " " . $untilTime->value();
# TODO check date until > date since
if ($priorityFromFrame->value() || $priorityToFrame->value()) {
diff --git a/lib/AdminPanel/Shared/JournalCtl.pm b/lib/AdminPanel/Shared/JournalCtl.pm
index f95e8d6..beec593 100644
--- a/lib/AdminPanel/Shared/JournalCtl.pm
+++ b/lib/AdminPanel/Shared/JournalCtl.pm
@@ -114,10 +114,10 @@ sub getLog {
$params .= " -b";
if ($self->since ne "") {
- $params .= " --since=".$self->since;
+ $params .= " --since=".'"'.$self->since.'"';
if ($self->until ne "") {
- $params .= " --until=".$self->until;
+ $params .= " --until=".'"'.$self->until.'"';
if ($self->unit ne "") {
$params .= " --unit=".$self->unit;
Mageia Git Monkeys.